Sprint Family Locator lets you locate any phone on your Sprint family plan. Download the app to sign up and start locating!
Full features include:
- The ability to locate any phone on your Sprint family plan (both smart phones and normal phones).
- No need to install anything on the phones you track.
- Locate a lost or stolen phone AFTER it’s disappeared.
- See the location of your family's phones in real time on an interactive map.
- Locate your family's phones from your computer by going to sfl.sprint.com.
- Automatically check if your family members are where they should be and receive a text if they aren't there.
- Download includes a Free 15-day trial (it’s $5.99 a month after that to locate up to 4 phones. The charge will appear on your monthly Sprint bill).
Sprint Family Locator is made by Safely, the same company that’s working to prevent texting while driving (Sprint Drive First) and help you set limits on how and when your kids use their mobile phones (Sprint Mobile Controls).
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Sprint Family Locator memungkinkan Anda menemukan telepon apapun pada rencana keluarga Sprint Anda. Unduh aplikasi untuk mendaftar dan mulai mencari!
fitur lengkap meliputi:
- Kemampuan untuk menemukan telepon apapun pada rencana keluarga Sprint (kedua ponsel pintar dan ponsel normal) Anda.
- Tidak perlu menginstal apapun pada ponsel Anda melacak.
- Cari ponsel hilang atau dicuri setelah itu menghilang.
- Lihat lokasi ponsel keluarga Anda secara real time pada sebuah peta interaktif.
- Cari ponsel keluarga Anda dari komputer Anda dengan pergi ke sfl.sprint.com.
- Secara otomatis memeriksa apakah anggota keluarga Anda di mana mereka seharusnya dan menerima pesan teks jika mereka tidak ada.
- Download mencakup 15-hari percobaan gratis (itu $ 5,99 sebulan setelah itu untuk mencari sampai 4 ponsel biaya tersebut akan muncul pada tagihan Sprint bulanan Anda.).
Sprint Family Locator dibuat oleh Aman, perusahaan yang sama yang bekerja untuk mencegah SMS saat mengemudi (Sprint drive pertama) dan membantu Anda menetapkan batas tentang bagaimana dan kapan anak-anak Anda menggunakan ponsel mereka (Sprint Mobile Controls).
Punya sesuatu untuk dikatakan? Seperti kami di Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/safely
Sprint Family Locator lets you locate any phone on your Sprint family plan. Download the app to sign up and start locating!
Full features include:
- The ability to locate any phone on your Sprint family plan (both smart phones and normal phones).
- No need to install anything on the phones you track.
- Locate a lost or stolen phone AFTER it’s disappeared.
- See the location of your family's phones in real time on an interactive map.
- Locate your family's phones from your computer by going to sfl.sprint.com.
- Automatically check if your family members are where they should be and receive a text if they aren't there.
- Download includes a Free 15-day trial (it’s $5.99 a month after that to locate up to 4 phones. The charge will appear on your monthly Sprint bill).
Sprint Family Locator is made by Safely, the same company that’s working to prevent texting while driving (Sprint Drive First) and help you set limits on how and when your kids use their mobile phones (Sprint Mobile Controls).
Got something to say? Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/safely